Kindergarten Program
The Third Year/The Kindergarten Year
The Third Year in the same Montessori primary classroom can be seen as the most important period of your child’s Montessori experience. After two full years, the Montessori class is a familiar environment for these 5-year-olds. They know the daily routines inside and out; their teachers know them well and can readily work with their strengths and encourage them to take on challenges. They are conscious of being the oldest students in the room, having lived through two years of classroom transitions, starting when they were three. It is during this third year that you (and they) will witness the “explosion of learning” that Maria Montessori observed more than 100 years ago
Testimonies From Our Kindergartener’s Parents
Grant Burns
Grant came to Children’s World after attending a non-Montessori preschool just before his fourth birthday and the difference I saw in quality of education, appreciation for arts and culture, attention to developing important life skills, as well as the quality of care from all of the teachers, was very impressive. Grant instantly took to the Montessori lifestyle and I have seen him blossom both academically and socially. When it came time to transition to Kindergarten I toured several of the local public schools but ultimately felt confident in my decision to keep him enrolled at Children’s World for their Kindergarten program.
Now, half way through the Kindergarten program, I am beyond happy with my decision to continue on at Children’s World. Having once been a Kindergarten teacher, I know all too well what the standard curriculum in public schools would be offering. At Children’s World the teachers work with the individual child to meet their academic needs. Grant has grown tremendously in his reading and math skills, far exceeding what could have been accomplished in a standard classroom. In addition to excellent academics, Grant has grown in both life and social skills. Being one of the older students has taught him a lot about being a role model and has encouraged leadership skills that may not have been fostered elsewhere.
The only thing I wish Children’s World had is a First Grade program! We will be very sad to leave such an excellent environment.
Ethan Yao
I was worried and also a bit unsure about it when it comes to the kindergarten year to have him stay, since nearly all others had moved to public or regular private. After some deep thinking, rethinking the reason why we came to CWBM and what I believed that the fundamental is the most important phase of anything. A though came in my mind, “Montessori is a 3 year mixed age program. It must have a reason to include the 3rd year.” No doubt, kids will not have any problem to fit in kindergarten or 1st grade in public or private schools. I decided to trust my feeling and the info I had gathered. Also, it is more convenient for me to pick up both kids at the same place and time.
Now, half of the school year has gone, it is time reevaluate afterwards. Just like what Ms. Michelle had explained to me, finally I see the result of the 2 previous years. I never really get to ask or quiz Ethan what he learn or does at school, because he will avoid and turn the conversation to tell me things he sees and experiences at the moment. But all of a sudden, he turns around and tells or shows me all the phonics and spells out whatever we pass by on the road. He is using more logical words to express himself or describe things around in a manner that I felt is more typical for a child older than his age. And he can stay focus with his interests for a long period of time.
It is Ethan’s last year of Montessori and I would say it is the golden year. I am so glad to have a chance to see the beauty of it. I am so grateful and love all the CWBM team. Thank you so much for putting your heart and all the effort on Ethan!!
By the way, I am confirming right now even it is way too early that Ellie, my toddler will be staying for her kindergarten year as well!!!
Felix Leung
Felix started attending CWBM since he was two years old and will soon finish kindergarten this year. Thanks to all the teachers for their hard work and dedication. Under your guidance, Felix has mastered a tremendous amount of information and skills over the years. I am amazed and proud to see how much he has flourished.
I see many benefits in Montessori approach, and feel the kindergarten year is when the earlier lessons come together and become a permanent part of the child’s understanding. In the classroom, Felix is able to move steadily at his own pace and feels good about himself as a learner. The individualized attention is invaluable when he runs into roadblocks. Through hands-on experience (counting beads, tracing sand letters, bank game, binomial cube, etc) and repetition of work, he develops self-discipline and internal sense of purpose and motivation. He now enjoys challenging jobs and is actively engaged in his studies. He is not afraid of making mistakes because self-correction is a natural step in the learning process.
In addition to his academic progress, the Montessori method allows him to further develop his self-discipline and focus as well as giving him an opportunity to gain a better understanding of social relationships and expectations. He learns the care of self and environment, and has a close bond to his teachers and classmates. When given the opportunity, he likes to assist younger students. I feel that Felix is intellectually prepared, has developed a love for learning and a sense of self-confidence, understands appropriate behaviors, and feels good about himself as a student. I believe he will be ready to adapt to new situations and expectations. Thank you, CWBM.
Hayson Ng
We are very happy to let Hayson to stay for his kindergarten year in CWBM. He has been growing and improving a lot. We remember not until around the middle of his second year, he started to pick up math and phonics. As he became very familiar with the environment, and with all the previous practices and exposure to the learning materials, he started to excel beginning the third year. He is learning division now! We also see his social skills improvement. He hesitated to talk and play with peers when he was younger in the class; but now he knows the place, teachers and classmates so well that he is very comfortable to communicate and express himself, and even help out the young ones as a big brother.
Now, we are excited and looking forward to seeing how much more he could learn and accomplish this year. Thanks so much to Michelle and all the teachers and helpers who have been putting tremendous efforts in making CWBM a wonderful school!
Jarett Poon
Jarett really enjoyed his last year (kindergarten year) at CWBM. We were amazed at how much he matured in one year, in many different aspects. Academically, he drastically improved during the kindergarten year. He was able to perform advanced mathematics calculation using the Montessori learning materials, and it gave him an advantage when he transferred to the public system for first grade. He was able to read very well independently and write short essays. He also matured into a little teacher’s helper, loved to help younger kids, and enjoyed going to school and being with his friends.
We were very proud to see him improve, both academically and personally. We highly recommend CWBM for kindergarten education.
Karis Chan
During Karis’ kindergarten year in the Montessori school at CWBM, she picks up a lot in learning. She becomes much more mature in personality. In an environment that she has been familiar with in the past three years. I can see she is very comfortable in picking up new skills. I’m so delightful in seeing Karis’ growth.